"Do not go where the path may lead. Instead, go where there is no path and leave a trail"

Ralph Waldo Emerson


Hello! I'm Bec, a passionate wildlife photographer driven by a deep love for nature and a desire to capture its beauty. From a young age, I found solace in the outdoors, where every whisper of the wind, every rustle in the undergrowth & the calls of Black Cockatoos flying overhead filled me with a sense of awe and wonder. This connection with nature inspired me to pick up a camera. Through my lens, I strive to capture the hidden stories of creatures that roam the Earth.

Patience is my constant companion as I spend countless hours waiting for the perfect moment to capture an animal's essence. Whether it's a majestic bird taking flight, or a playful interaction between two species, I believe that each frame tells a tale worth sharing. I aim to create visual narratives that ignite a sense of empathy and appreciation for the incredible diversity of life on our planet.

My work serves as a medium to raise awareness about conservation and the urgent need to protect our fragile ecosystems. I hope to inspire others to develop a deeper connection with nature and take action to preserve our planet's precious wildlife for future generations.

As a wildlife photographer, I embrace the challenges that come with the craft – the early mornings, harsh climates, and endless pursuit of the perfect shot. The reward, however, is immeasurable when I witness the raw beauty of wildlife through my viewfinder. It's a privilege to witness fleeting moments of tenderness, power, and survival that unfold in the natural world.

If you're interested in collaborating, purchasing prints, or simply want to share your own wildlife encounters, feel free to reach out. Let's celebrate and protect the magnificent creatures that share our planet.

Thank you for visiting and supporting my work!